Wednesday, October 17, 2007

More from the WSE

I spoke briefly to LukeConnell Vanderverre from WSE on 15th October re: the lowering volumes and have been trying to get hold of him since for word on the WTF. I can understand his position with this as it is very hot at the moment, I guess I am being a pushy journalist trying to get the scoop! The Chairman's address released early yesterday clearly stated more news to come for the WSE Traders Fund on the 19th October. So, we all have to be more sleep.

The volumes have corrected as predicted by Vanderverre and things appear solid with plenty of action around the place.

The address mentioned above also indicated there would be no bond interest paid for HCB. Obviously causing some impatient shareholders to cut and run as the price has crept below the secondary of $L100.00 a share. The information had a silver lining, as it appears to be all systems go for Hope Capital and WSE.
I am going to steal some of Splinkrot's thunder here, but major shareholder Nawlins Arkin(11.54%) has begun steadily selling off at $L95.00 today, with an open order suspiciously in the same amount as the holdings (7777) at this same amount.
If you are interested in a 3 month long that almost guarantees an excellent position in this bellwether, I would take Nawlins up on his offer...don't expect them to last at this price!!

Logansan Oh
- CEO, Chairman