Thursday, October 18, 2007

Company stock review - AMI

You will find this listed on the WSE website now:

Action Mortgage & Investment

Rating - Strong buy $L0.12, Buy $L0.24, Long buy $L0.41, Accumulate $L0.70

From financial reports:

Revenue: L$67547.00
Expenditure: L$54014.00
Earnings: L$13533.00
CAPEX: L$0.00
Land Owned: 33406.0 sqm.
Land Value: L$20.00/sqm.
Buildings Value: L$60000.00
Equipment Value: L$55000.00
Inventory Value: L$0.00
Cash on Hand: L$192000.00
Investments: L$130818.00
Debtors: L$0.00
Liabilities: L$0.00

The company: Action Mortgage & Investment (AMI) as the name suggests, aids Second Life residents with loans and investment advice. At first AMI developed malls and residential property and until recently was well placed in this sector. This vertically integrated direction placed AMI within a very tight market. Land and development is saturated and volatile. Needless to say, recent times have almost forced AMI into growing it's newer moniker of Loans and Investment. With the Loan ATM's being placed around SL, this new venture looks poised to capitalize on the growing needs of the resident economy. With a hefty 15% return on loans, this is definitely the current cash-cow for the company.
Just recently, a Resolution was passed to sell/liquidate the millionaire's mall by shareholders in order to move into more profitable residential land rental. A statement from the CEO regarding this also mentions the resumption of dividends as part of this deal, which is great news for current and new shareholders.
AMI has several outlets for advertising throughout it's land holdings, with ATM's, with more to come, giving residents and RL investors visibility of the company and it's products.

Management: Adonis Action - CEO, a concierge of WSE listed with Hope Capital Ltd. issues regular announcements , addressing issues from shareprice, business reviews, shareholder updates etc. The fact that Adonis Action is available through email, skype (adonis.action), regularly in-world and even makes the announcements available on youtube in person (yes, RL!), shows that he is committed to this company and it's shareholders.
New board members are also being sought to lead the growth of the company.

Major Shareholders: Head Advisor: Stryker Yoshikawa, who is also a (buying) major shareholder of struggling (GBU) (also held by WSE CEO LukeConnell Vanderverre) and current secondary stock (SNL), is constantly buying in as traders send the stock down towards the single digits. Since the sell-off in late August sent the price down, it has struggled to recover, with day trading causing fluctuations.

Overall: A well-run, solidly planted SL company suffering from traders blight. New profit reports will show the market the strength it will need to back this stock and the price will steadily climb back towards $L1.00. Who knows, as growth continues, it may even move beyond...

Logansan Oh
- CEO, Chairman - S&W Assets and Funds Management